
Dear students,
These are some of the tips to do the Oral Expression:
  • Record the summary of the reader on Voicethread (from 1 to 2 minutes). Find here underneath a Voicethread tutorial. Don't forget to click on SHARE and send the link to the teacher on February 21st the latest.

  • Choose a character and tell the story from his/her point of view.
  • Once finished, email it to your teacher (

Instructions to be followed by the Readers

Dear students,

The Video Presentation at Brainshark is the best way to complete the task. Here there are some links with the tutorials to show you how to use it.


You can get a very nice Video Presentation if you follow the following steps:

Type on Google Brainshark Oral Presentation then click on '3 Ways to Add Audio to Your myBrainshark Presentations', after that click on 'See a Demo' (right handside of the screen), scroll down the screen, click on 'View' then you will have to log in as if you were creating an account with all the information you are requested. Once you have your User Name and your Password, you can login onto Brainshark.

1. Login (Brainshark)

2. You'll have to write your Nombre de Usuario:


3. Write again your Screen name or email


4. Click on Upload content

5. Make a Photo Album

6. Upload Photos (Prepara una foto cualquiera que quieres que aparezca antes de grabar el video)

7. Rellena la información en la pantalla para después encontrar tu video.

8. Click on next

9. Click here to record using your microphone.

10. Record your voice (You can stop, retry, discard or save)

11. Click on End recording session.

12. Manage your photos and audio (puedes modificar o añadir las fotos y la grabación)

13. Click on Active

14. Click on Apply

15. Click on Save

16. Click on Copy Embed Code

17. When it is active, click on share and then send it by email.

I hope that is of some help to you and enjoy working on it.

Voicethread tutorial

Click on and do not forget to click on make it public

Jeremy Harmer The Double Bass Mystery

The activity is as follows:
Using VOICETHREAD and having chosen one of the characters of the book (confirm with your teacher), tell your way the last chapter of the reader. You can rename the chapter the way you like and you have to record the activity in a maximum of 4 minutes and a minimum of 3. The activity has to be sent to before the 9th of December. Finally, you will be able to listen to your activity at Ángela's nb where it will be published.

Stephen Rabley Marcel and the Mona Lisa

Using Brainshark you'll record your voice - in a maximum of three minutes - and email me the oral presentation for the reader. It will be published at Ángela's NB blog (nb-eoiangmor).

The activity is the following:

Choose one of the photos of the book - tell me the one you have chosen not to repeat the same. With a minimum of two minutes and a maximum of three, explain the photo using Present continuous to comment the picture, and present simple to talk about Marcel and its life.

Advanced Level Taste and Other Tales

As you experienced after reading the book, none of the chapters have a real end. This is going to be your task. First of all, choose one of the stories – tell your teacher - and be ready to explain in a maximum of 4 minutes how the story would finish according to you. To do that you are going to use Brainshark - explained above - to record your voice and once you have done so use

In case you do not know how to load your task on the blog, do not worry I will do it for you.

Remember that the mark of this activity will be added to your Oral Expression Skill for the Second Term. As soon as you come back in January 7th we will spend some time to see if you understood the reader.

Your Piece of News

Choose one piece of news that you consider convenient and tell the rest of the students so that your piece of news is not the same as another classmate's. Record just the title and subtitle of the same with the help of 'Voicethread' registering you and following the easy instructions you are given. Then make your voicethread Active and finally, send it to me by email.



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