Are you ready to start practising your Oral Expression?
There are some topics you should revise before doing your PECS tests in June or September
1B Creativity, inspiration and imagination. Is creativity stimulated in our current education system?
Innovative Careers for Imaginative People
2B Sugar Intake and Dieting. 1. How have our eating habits changed over the years?
2. Are junk food and ready-made food present in your everyday life? What are the consequences?
3. Do you follow any special diet? Tell us about it.https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/healthy-eating
3A Environmental issues. 1. What other changes in the Environment are expected in the near future?
2. Do you think climate change is an overestimated issue?
3. What can we do as individuals to avoid fatalistic consequences? What about the governments?
3B Safety in Public Spaces. 1. Do you think our society is less safe nowadays than 30 years ago? Why?/Why not?
2. What measures would you take to increase citizens’ security?
3. Do you think that CCTV (closed circuit television) systems and the control of citizens’
smartphones might help to solve these problems?https://reolink.com/pros-cons-of-surveillance-cameras-in-public-places/
4A Viral Fake News. 1. What is the role of social media and the Internet?
2. What are the consequences of those fake news? How can we recognize such content?
3. Are rumours and gossip common in our everyday lives?https://settlement.org/ontario/daily-life/communication/ethnic-and-cultural-media/what-is-fake-news-and-how-to-stop-spreading-misinformation/
4B Veganism and cruelty-free Products. 1. Would you ever consider becoming a vegan or a vegetarian? Why?/Why not?
2. Would you stop buying your favourite cosmetic brand if you knew that it tests their products
on animals? Why?/Why not?
3. Why do you think that there isn’t a strong green party in our political system?https://formulabotanica.com/how-to-formulate-vegan-organic-cosmetics/
5A Pregnancy at an Old Age. 1. What do you think the reason could be for such an increase in the number of older couples
having babies?
2. Are there more risks involved with pregnancy and birth as maternal age rises?
3. What role does science play in this issue?https://www.bpas.org/get-involved/campaigns/briefings/older-mothers/
5B Devices Controlling Our Lives. 1. Have you ever felt you were being overheard or monitored by any device?
2. Do you tend to be aware of the misuse of any device: webcams, microphones, etc.?
3. How do you feel about targeted or personalized ads taking information from your social
6A Remote Working. 1. Talk about the clear advantages of remote working in some professions.
2. What are the downsides and what professions don´t lend themselves well to this trend?
3. Should companies reimburse staff for expenses incurred?
6B Police Brutality. 1. Give instances of police brutality in your country or abroad.
2. What rules should apply for both police and citizens at rallies and demonstrations?
3. What training should police officers have in order to guarantee citizen protection and respect?
7A Vocational Training. 1. Could you give examples of how things have changed in the job market?
2. What are the pros and cons of pursuing a university degree vs. doing an apprenticeship?
3. Could you explain the type of training required for traditional and new professions?https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2017/05/03/the-future-of-jobs-and-jobs-training/
7B Relationships. 1. Could you give a brief summary of typical conflicts people might have at home and at work?
2. How could the different character traits influence human relationships?
3. Could you give some advice about how to deal with conflicts and how to reduce stress-in
8A Technological advances.1. Could you summarize how life has changed for the better/for the worse in the last 30 years or
2. What developments in robotics or in medicine do you find positive/negative?
3. How would you recommend someone to detox from technology and why?https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2203/220314-digital-detox.htmlhttps://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/b2-listening/a-digital-detox-podcast
8B Bilingual Education. 1. What are the advantages of the so-called bilingual education system?
2. What drawbacks might teaching subjects in a foreign language have?
3. What do parents and teachers generally think of this approach?https://english.elpais.com/society/2021-07-14/defenders-of-bilingual-education-in-spain-its-a-mistake-to-think-that-students-will-speak-english-like-they-do-spanish.html
9A Online Shopping. 1. Is online-shopping a blessing or a curse?
2. What risks are involved?
3. What are the drawbacks for high street stores and customers due to online shopping?https://accountlearning.com/advantages-disadvantages-online-shopping/
9B Entertainment. 1. How has technology changed the entertainment industry?
2. How has your attendance at cultural activities changed now from 10 years ago?
3. What role does the government and local authorities have in promoting culture?https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/articles/the-internets-influence-on-the-production-and-consumption-of-culture-creative-destruction-and-new-opportunities/
B2.1 topics to start withhttps://englishlevelb21.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/7/2/23726808/b2.1_unit_11b.pdf
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