
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018


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B1-B ALGECIRAS 2023-2024 St Valentine's Day Xmas pudding   Celebrating Halloween with the NB1B Estepona Group You are gorgeous! The Full Monty


Dear students! You always have the possibility to contact me either through this page or my email addresses that I include here just in case you didn't come to class and you don't have it. Thanks When at EOI San Roque, please email me to angelamorales@eoisanroque.es angmor2014@hotmail.com  (NI y NA1, 2) or  angmor2013@hotmail.com  ( NB1, NB2 ) or Semimarbella2012@gmail.com  (Blended Learning NI)


I hope you enjoy singing at home. I wish you a Merry Xmas Santa Claus is coming to Town Merry Christmas Everyone Lyrics Jingle Bell Rock lyrics The Bangles -  Eternal Flame Roy Orbison -  Oh Pretty Woman Abba -  Dancing Queen Sister Sledge -  We are family Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman -  Something Stupid Jimmy Cliff -  You can get it if you really want Beach Boys -  Wouldn't it be nice Simply Red -  Fairground Nora Jones -  I don't know Y Fool's Garden -  Lemon tree Madness -  Our House The Beach boys -  Wouldn't it be nice? Sam Cooke -  Wonderful World Nina Simone - Ain't got no ... I got life Kinks -  Dedicated follower of fashion Janis Joplin - Leaving on a jet plane


The most interesting link is this: The Council of Europe  COE.int  . This is a special link because it is my new blog  www.ni-eoiangmor.blogspot.com that is being built and I hope you'll contribute to enrich it. Also for the first year students can revise the vocabulary clicking on  nb-eoiangmor  . One of the most useful activities is to practise Dictation Please find some recommended links underneath Slow dictation https://lingua.com/english/dictation/ Different level dictation https://www.learnenglish.de/dictationpage.html English Club online dictation https://www.englishclub.com/listening/dictation.htm ThoughtCo. dictation https://www.thoughtco.com/english-dictations-1211740 LJUBLJANA ERASMUS + MOBILITY https://www.canva.com/design/DAFET3Gz-8c/CPohFQwzh4WOx2Bv3hmkIw/view?utm_content=DAFET3Gz-8c&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton 8 de marzo. Día Internacional de la Mujer Quiero ser como ella MODELOS DE PRUE...